
Listing Photos

Listing Photos

When considering the recipe for creating a successful listing, multi-dimensional photos are certainly one of the main ingredients. Chad Shillady utilizes the seven elements of photography during his photo shoots. These elements include line, shape, form, texture, color, size, and depth.

Photography for listing photos is often thought of as having the single purpose of selling the property. The secondary objective beyond selling a property in a listing is to attract new clients who have yet to list their property. As an agent, your brand is determined by a variety of areas and the quality of your photography in your listings plays a vital role in establishing your brand.

Palm Springs, Sol Development, Mid Century Modern, architechture, Twilight, Pool

Here are some ways you can help Chad capture photographs that will take full advantage of natural light.

Stage the home. This doesn’t mean that you need to spend a lot of money purchasing decorative items. Simplest things can make the biggest differences. Adding fresh flowers to the counter in the kitchen, lighting candles in the bathroom, or adding throw pillows to a bed or couch will create a homey feel that will shine through in the listing photos.

Highlight the best features. Agents can share what they feel may be features that buyer’s want to see more of in a listing. Chad’s understanding of depth and angles in a room is crucial to him being able to find the optimal way to highlight key features in a room.

Don’t show too many or too few photos in the listing. According to Street Easy, “if a listing has between four and 10 listing photos, there is a 5x likelihood that a buyer will contact an agent. But as for that magic number — that sweet spot — we found that when a listing has 11 to 14 photos, there is a 6x more likely chance a buyer will contact the selling agent versus a listing with zero photos.”

Allow Chad to handle editing of the photos. He combines the most state of the art editing software with his expertise to elevate the quality of the photos he shoots. This combination is sure to set your listings apart from your competitors.

Listing photos really are the doorway to the buyer’s journey. Since most property searches begin online, a stellar listing with high quality photos taken by Chad may be the deciding factor on whether a prospective buyer contacts the agent to schedule a showing.

HD Listing Photos

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